The Top Ten Excel Functions Everyone Should Know

Excel functions can greatly enhance your ability to perform tasks in day to day activities in Excel. While there are hundreds of functions in available, there are 10 functions that all Excel users should know. Whether you are an office worker, or a small business owner using Excel to keep track of your finances or just the casual user, these Excel functions can be very important time savers and enhance your ability to create better performing spreadsheets!

Why should you Attend
This webinar will get you started with functions. You will learn not only HOW to use these functions, but WHY they do what they do. Knowing the "why" helps you to do more with Excel. Attendees should have basic knowledge of creating Excel calculations using the basic mathematical operators and know the difference between relative and absolute cell references. This course is for beginner to intermediate Excel users.

Areas Covered in the Session
Learn many statistical functions including SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN and COUNT
Use IF and its counterparts COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF
Understand VLOOKUP
Calculate dates using TODAY, NOW and NETWORKDAYS
Learn many functions to manipulate text once imported including LEFT, RIGHT, LEN, TRIM and CONCANTENATE
Use IFERROR when errors can't be avoided
Who Will Benefit
Business Owners
CEO's / CFO's / CTO's
Financial Consultants
IT Professionals
Human Resource Personnel
Anybody with large amounts of Data
Anybody who uses Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, and wants to be more efficient and productive
Speaker Profile
Cathy Horwitz is an independent consultant specializing in Microsoft Office instruction. She has over 30 years of experience as a Microsoft Office instructor. Cathy is proficient in all levels of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Access. Cathy holds a degree in Psychology and a Master in Business Administration degree with an emphasis in Human Resources.

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